25 June 2008


I spent almost all of last week in Bethesda, Maryland, attending the 28th General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. I am still coming down from the high! What a breath of fresh air when compared to the semi-annual antics (being repeated this week)of the PC(USA).

We started with the second stated meeting of the New Wineskins Transitional Presbytery/Support Network ("NWEPC") on Tuesday. The high point of the meeting was centered on pastoral care and leadership. We started with the reception of Reverend Ken Glasier as the Pastor of Londonderry Presbyterian Church (New Hampshire). Ken was called from an EPC church in suburban Denver,becoming the first EPC pastor to transfer from an EPC presbytery to the NWEPC. The Presbytery of New England,(PC(USA), had held Londonderry' request to call a pastor hostage for two and a half years. Because their CIF was complete, the PNC and the Ministry Committee of NWEPC were able to interview three candidates by last February and LPC called Ken in late April.

We then examined four candidates for ordination, approving all pending call. (They all have calls.) In another first, one of the candidates was a woman, despite the scare tactics engaged in by the PC(USA) last year (predicting that the creation of NWEPC was an attempt to end ordination of women).

The candidates were rigorously examined on Scripture, theology, the Essential Tenets of the Reformed faith, NWEPC polity, and the Sacraments. An EPC pastor present commented that it was more intense and detailed than the last exam he had seen in his EPC presbytery. (No more PC(USA) exams in which the hardwest questions are "What is your name?" and "If called, what color will you paint your study?" The required answer to the latter being "Green.")

We also have two mission churches that are well on the way towards becoming functioning congregations in the NWEPC.

God is good, all the time!

More to follow.

1 comment:

Chris Larimer said...

Green? That's so...Ordinary.